“I’m not in love. I
can’t be in love.”
“And why not?”
“What would be the
point?” I say, throwing my hands up. “Me in love would be like being a food
critic with no taste buds. It would be like being a color-blind painter. It
would be like—”
“Like skinny-dipping
by yourself.”
I have to laugh at
that one.
“Exactly,” I say.
Je krátka.
Ak existuje prostý fakt, ktorý by vás mal presvedčiť aby ste
dali tejto zvláštnej knižke šancu je to právo jeho dĺžka.
Je k veci.
Ak o čítaní stále váhate, nemôžem nepoukázať, že autor
ide vždy a stále k veci. Žiadne prázdne reči. Ale žiadna strohosť.
Je iná.
Ak máte chuť na niečo iné, ak máte chuť byť vytrhnutý zo
svojej zóny komfortu.
Everything, Everything je nápadná novinka s netradičným
dejom, nepredvídateľnou hrdinkou a psychologicko-filozofickou pod-náplňou
v pomerne roztomilom teenagerskom balení.
Má netradičný štýl, čo sa v dnešnej dobe nevidí tak
často. A spôsob rozprávania – u väčšiny autorov rozvláčny či obyčajný
– táto kniha mi osobne skutočne ulahodila svojou priamosťou. Nezdržovaním. Veľa
kníh opisuje pomaly každý jeden vnem, veci, ktoré si všimneme len periférne.
Opisuje každý deň. Opisuje všetko čo sa v medzerách v deji stalo
a stane. Tu sa s tým nepiplajú. A je to osviežujúce.
Maddeline od malička žije v ochrannej bubline. Doslova.
Celý život strávila v čisto bielej miestnosti s recyklovaným
vzduchom, súkromnou opatrovateľkou a knižkami ako jedinými spoločníkmi.
Everything (Nicola Yoon)
- Your Highlight on
Location 3812-3813 | Added on Saturday, December 26, 2015 12:40:46 AM
Dokiaľ nepríde Olly.
That’s not what I was expecting. “You hate the ocean?”
He’s grinning now, warming to his topic. “I don’t hate it. I
respect it.”
He holds up a single finger. “Respect. It’s Mother Nature at
her finest—awesome, beautiful, impersonal, murderous. Think about it: All that
water and you could still die of thirst. And the whole point of waves is to suck
your feet from under you so that you drown faster. The ocean will swallow you
whole and burp you out and not notice you were even there.”
Olly nie je len osoba. Je metafora. Je bod zvratu. Je všetko
Iné, všetko čo nemá a nikdy mať nebude.
“Go!” She slaps my knee. “You have enough things to be afraid
of. Love can’t kill you.”
Ich dialógy
a myšlienky sú doslovný stret dvoch svetov.
“But chaos theory says you can’t?” “Yup.” “You needed a
whole branch of mathematics to tell you that people are unpredictable?” “Had
that figured out, did you?” “Books, Olly! I learned it from books.”
“I think that’s nonsense. We’re not snowflakes. We’re just
outputs for a set of inputs.”
Jedinečnými kapitolami, často s jedinou myšlienkou
a veľkou dávkou inovatívnosti.
minutes it takes
Olly’s dad to begin yelling
after he arrived home
last night:
complaints about the
goddamn roast
beef being overcooked
times Olly’s mom
times Olly’s dad
called Kara a goddamn
freak for wearing
black nail polish:
Sú susedia. A predsa by si nemohli byť vzdialenejší.
I pantomime excellent health, existential angst, regret, and
an enormous sense of loss, all via a single nod.
Dramatická tragickosť ich situácie je ako moderný,
destilovaný Rómeo a Júlia, vrátane zamilovania s krátkym intervalom
účinku a ďalekosiahlymi následkami. Insta-love bola pochopiteľná ale stále
mierne náhla svojou hĺbkou.
Odradila (aj keď
neprekvapila) ma menšia detinskosť. Zarazil ma jej vzťah s mamou.
“I love you,” she says. “More than you know.” But I do know.
I’ve always felt her heart reaching out to protect mine. I hear lullabies in
her voice. I can still feel arms rocking me to sleep and her kisses on my
cheeks in the morning. And I love her right back. I can’t imagine the world
she’s given up for me. I don’t know what to say, so I tell I love her, too.
It’s not enough, but it’ll have to do.
Ale jej pohľad na vec
SOMETIMES I REREAD my favorite books from back to front. I
start with the last chapter and read backward until I get to the beginning.
When you read this way, characters go from hope to despair, from self-knowledge
to doubt. In love stories, couples start out as lovers and end as strangers.
Coming-of-age books become stories of losing your way. Your favorite characters
come back to life.
If my life were a book and you read it backward, nothing
would change. Today is the same as yesterday. Tomorrow will be the same as
today. In the Book of Maddy, all the chapters are the same. Until Olly. Before
him my life was a palindrome—the same forward and backward, like “A man, a
plan, a canal. Panama,” or “Madam, I’m Adam.”
But Olly’s like a random letter, the big bold X thrown in
the middle of the word or phrase that ruins the sequence. And now my life
doesn’t make sense anymore. I almost wish I hadn’t met him.
Každá strana/kapitola má nejaký drahokam/perlu.
“Sometimes you fall off prematurely. Sometimes you get so
damaged by other pieces of luggage falling on your head that you don’t really
function anymore. Sometimes you get lost or forgotten and go around forever and
A všetko je nové, úžasné a neuveriteľné.
I wonder how his dad has managed to live in the world all
his life without knowing what was precious in it.
A ako inak aj veľmi emocionálne.
prom•ise (ˈpräməs) n. pl. -es. 1. The lie you want to keep.
[2015, Whittier]
Madeline má ako hrdinka ďaleko aj veľmi blízko
k dokonalosti. Jej izolovanosť je výhoda aj problém. Je neskazená, skromná
a divoká no zároveň naivná, ľahko ovplyvniteľná a opatrná.
All my parts seem to be in the right proportion and in the
right place. I twist a little to confirm that my derriere is covered, and it
is, but only just. What would I see in the mirror if I were a normal girl? Would
I think that I was too fat or too thin? Would I dislike my hips, my waist, my
face? Would I have body image issues? As it stands, my only issue is that I
would gladly trade this body for one that works properly.
Kniha je krásnym procesom. Cestou.
“Maybe growing up means disappointing the people we love.”
A oba dva veľké zvraty ma šokovali.
A UNIVERSE THAT can wink into existence can wink out again.
Každopádne nevidím dôvod aby kniha nemohla zaujať rôznych
ľudí a rozhodne odporúčam vyskúšať.