Percy patrí k sériam na ktoré spomínam s priblblým úsmevom na tvári a zamilovaným vzdychom. Skutočná špička, vrchol YA aj fantasy na pozadí mytológia aj v ústredí SKUTOČNÝ HRDINOVIA.
Myslím, že táto séria nepotrebuje propagáciu, moja recenzia bude trochu stručnejšia, rada nechám za seba hovoriť citáty.
Most demigods died young at the hands of terrible monsters. That was the way it had been since ancient times. The Greeks invented tragedy. They knew the greatest heroes didn’t get happy endings.
Dosť pochmúrna atmosféra. Každý bojuje s nepriazňou osudu, snaží sa udržať hlavu na hladine aj keď breh je v nedohľadne a všade okolo sú žraloky, chiméry, pomstychtivý bohovia aj iné príšery. Knížka bol dokonalým stelesnením gréckych hrdinov a ich osudu. Mnoho úloh sa zdalo beznádejných, takmer nemožných no oni to zvládli a vyšlo z toho o to lepší.
Another cosmic joke for Gaia to laugh at: Annabeth dies trying to keep her boyfriend, the son of Poseidon, from drowning.
Napriek tomu to bolo VEĽMI vtipné!!!!
Just then, thunder boomed overhead. Lightning flashed, and the bars on the nearest window burst into sizzling, melted stubs of iron.
Jason flew in like Peter Pan, electricity sparking around him and his gold sword steaming.
Leo whistled appreciatively. ‘Man, you just wasted an awesome entrance.’
Leo looked at the dwarfs. He’d fought lots of monsters before and never felt bad about dissolving them, but this was different. He had to admit he sort of admired these little guys.
Nič nebolo ani čierne ani biele.
He imagined Gaia laughing at his weakness – a demigod too softhearted to kill monsters.
A hrdinovia boli práve vďaka pochybnostiam a chybám ľudský a dokonalý zároveň.
Autor si udržoval nadhľad, vedeli sme cez rôzne kanáli čo sa kde deje a stále som mala pocit silného stotožnenia a sa s postavami aj keď to bolo písané v tretej osobe. Každá postava mi navyše prišla jedinečná, z každého vstupu bolo cítiť jej idlošnosť.
Medzitým v Tartare ...
PERCY HAD TAKEN HIS GIRLFRIEND on some romantic walks before. This wasn’t one of them.
... trocha romantiky ...
Despite being beat-up, sooty and dressed like a homeless person, she looked great to Percy.
... aj humoru.
Keep climbing, he told himself.
Cheeseburgers, his stomach replied.
Shut up, he thought.
With fries, his stomach complained.
Stále sa hýbu dopredu, zaujímavé prekážky a zvraty. Ak tento diel nie je lepší, je prinajmenšom rovnako kvalitný ako jeho predchodcovia.
Frank felt a bead of sweat trickle down his cheek. He didn’t care about this crazy god or his snake-powered chariot or his online degree programme. But Hazel was turning greener by the moment. Nico was a corn plant. And he was alone.
Frank bol roztomilý.
Autor však aj u neho ukázal jeho skutočné hrdinstvo. Oživuje klasické úlohy za odmeny, náročné a zložité no stelesnením hrdinskosti. Stávajú sa hrdinom telom ...
He should have died. He should have been trampled. But somehow he stayed on his feet, unharmed, and unleashed a hurricane of violence.
... i dušou.
He didn’t feel any sort of pleasure in this, but he didn’t hesitate, either.
Nope. Most likely she would die from an overload of weirdness that would make her brain explode.She repressed the giggles. Yes, she was definitely losing it.
Špeci humor spojený s príbehom.
Anabeth: ‘Do you have a pen?’ she asked him.
Percy: ‘You’re kidding, right?’ He brought out Riptide.
‘Yes, but can you actually write with it?’
‘I – I don’t know,’ he admitted. ‘Never tried.’
A čo sa týka Anabeth - Toto je hrdinka!
She was a daughter of Athena, not some shrill girlie victim in a horror movie.
A aj tak je to romantické.
Annabeth pressed against Percy for warmth. He put his arm around her. It felt good being close to him,
Hazel could hardly believe this guy had the same father as Percy Jackson. Then she remembered that Poseidon had a changeable personality, like the sea. Maybe his children reflected that. Percy was a child of Poseidon’s better nature – powerful, but gentle and helpful, the kind of sea that sped ships safely to distant lands. Sciron was a child of Poseidon’s other side – the kind of sea that battered relentlessly at the coastline until it crumbled away, or carried the innocents from shore and let them drown, or smashed ships and killed entire crews without mercy.
‘I appreciate the offer,’ he said. ‘But my mom told me not to accept curses from strangers.’
Seriously, who curses you with their dying breath and says: I hope your eye twitches!
Percy knew that he’d killed a lot of monsters, but he’d never really thought about it from the monsters’ point of view. Now all their pain and anger and bitterness poured over him, sapping his strength.
I won’t die like this, he thought.
Not only because it was painful and insultingly lame, but because Annabeth needed him.
(A spomínajú tam Chorvátske mesto - Split!)
Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work – a quest that never ends. It demands everything from you – especially the truth. Only then does it yield rewards.
Krásne pravdivé.
They’d been through so much together, at this point Percy was part of her – a sometimes annoying part, sure, but definitely a part she could not live without.
Being the only two girls on board was kind of rough. They’d shared stories, complained about the guys’ gross habits and shed some tears together about Annabeth.
Napriek tomu, že všetko, všetky úlohy sa zdajú ťažké, na dlho, rátajúc s kou nepravdepodobných vecí, vlastne takmer nemožné, vždy viem, že sa z toho dostanú. Lebo to je princíp hrdinov. Pokračujú tam kde iný vidie len beznádej, stávajú sa silnejšimi kde sa iný zlomia, vyhrávajú tam kde iný ani nedojdú.
Každý jeden musí preukázať, že za to stojí, že on je ten pravý, že aj on je hrdina a že ho potrebujú, že môže prispieť k víťazstvu.
Ale celkovo? V každej dobrej knihe príde ten moment kedy prestanete súdiť a stanete sa súčasťou príbehu. Fandíte svojich obľúbencom, kde čo prepáčite, čítate lebo nemôžete inak. Je to krása, stať sa súčasťou príbehu, je to to kúzlu čo na čítaní všetci milujeme.
A na konci som čítala aj 5 diel (4 mala cliff-hanger) - fakt to stojí za to ľudia. Sorry ak to bola trochu chaotická recenzia ale je to Percy - toho zbožňuje každý.
Zaslúžených 5 číč. Odporúčam!!!!!!